Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Figment of My Imagination

It feels extremely hollow and completely disingenuous to say that blogging about my dead baby has had some lovely moments and benefits. But I have met all of you, and you have invited me in to share with me the names and brief lives of your children, and that has been truly wonderful if not humbling.

One odd bloggy circumstance led to another, and shazam, in a supreme moment of Deadbaby Serendipity, I had the opportunity to interview Elizabeth McCracken about her memoir, An Exact Replica of a Figment of My Imagination.

We discuss a smattering of stillbirth and doctors, grief and guilt, online and bloggy, and of course Pudding, and Gus, and the action of writing. And we cuss and swear and really, it was a rather good time.

Join us over at Glow in the Woods.

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